This is not CE-Rap typing this journal. My name is Lucas, and Carlito is my 2nd cousin.
Carlito was hospitalized last Friday and is currently still in the hospital. He suffers from a health condition that can sometimes cause him to need medical attention. I know that seems vague, but I just want to be sure I'm respecting his privacy. Carlito's not a secretive person, but he tends to not reveal the details pertaining to his health as he doesn't want people worrying about him in that fashion. I'm sure, however, he will be forthcoming with what's happened to him when he returns to Deviant Art. Fortunately, he's on the mend and looks like he will be okay in time. He gave me access to his account on Deviant Art and on New Grounds so that I could inform his followers of his status.
It's also important that you check out his fan group pan-jump, which is on Deviant Art. His partner on Exiles has written a new journal entry that is important for everyone to check out.
Here is the link:
You guys should also know that Carlito's a fighter. He may be down, but the man is never out. Hopefully, I will have more news for you all when the time comes.
Thanks for your time, everyone,
Glad to hear it. Hope he gets well soon.